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Guest on 96.5 WSLR Radio THURSDAY DEC. 22nd 4-6pm with Ted Sipes! "Ted's Head"

I have been a fan of Ted Sipes "Ted's Head" Radio show since I moved to Sarasota FL in 2009. Ted truly is one of the last DJ's doing it the right way...His way! He is a natural, has the classic DJ voice and energy about him. Great stories, wicked tunes, weird Florida tidbits, comedy,

it's all packed in a very well thought out 2 hour show!

I can't wait to hang, we'll talk music (he's a fine drummer by the way), upcoming gigs, new tunes, old tunes and I will perform a couple of tunes solo on-air also!

Ted's Head is on 96.5 WSLR Sarasota every Thursday from 4-6pm, I will be a guest on Thursday, December 22nd, 4-6pm

Listen from anywhere on planet earth at Home - WSLR+Fogartyville

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